On April 10, I hit the 100th day mark and was really happy about the direction the project was heading. I went to a couple of really great design lectures this month, specifically MoxieCon, a daylong event filled with inspirational talks. These talks left quite the impression on me and to this day I find myself referring to lessons learned at this event.
April 2: Idea for a countdown to coffee time app. (April 1 was included in March's group as it went along with the website project I was working on at the end of the month.)
April 3: Some more ideas for my coffee countdown app.
April 4: Still brewin’
April 5: Signatures for my new notebook.
April 6: New notebook!
April 7: Today I went cauliflower crazy and test drove several new recipes.
April 8: Made a little calendar for my notebook.
April 9: This is what happened when I hit print today, happy accident.
April 10: 100 days, 100 designs. Givin’ myself a high-five.
April 11: Yesterday, after reflecting on the first 100 days of this project, I began to think about how I would like to showcase my progress. Here is a layout I am working on for an iPhone app, however I am starting to see this concept sprawl across a variety of platforms.
April 12: Yesterday's idea applied to an iPad version.
April 13: Trend-y
April 14: Today I made mini envelopes with annie!
April 15: Thinking about my family and friends back home in Boston.
April 16: In honor of my new bicycle.
April 17: &—building off of an old doodle from March.
April 18: Everything is a design hypothesis just waiting to be tested. I went to a talk at SAIC tonight about UI/UX: designing for screens. I scribbled down something along these lines, thinking it to be an interesting standpoint. Tomorrow the experimentation begins.
April 19: For some time now I have been frustrated with news websites which are too cluttered and difficult to navigate. Due to the recent events in Boston, I have been visiting these sites more frequently which lead me to start thinking about a solution to this frustration.
April 20: Pushing this idea of a simplified news site. Ideally, it would let you personalize to your interest, locations etc. with no advertisements.
April 21: This simple news site would allow you to select your interests, further personalizing it to your liking.
April 22: Thinking about pixels and playing with color.
April 23: I came across this font in a publication I picked up over the weekend: AREA Chicago. Mesmerized by this beautifully designed piece of print, I set out to identify the font. Today, I scoured the internet and successfully identified it as Apex Sans. Playing with this font, I started to redesign the contents page from my favorite e.e. cummings book. I would love to create a publication like AREA Chicago someday, maybe I will redesign this book of poetry…
April 24: I have never once stopped to consider what font the keyboard is in. I am reading Just my Type, by Simon Garfield and I learned that the Apple keyboard was at one point set in Univers, but then changed to VAG Rounded in 2007. I can not believe that I never questioned this before today. As I am making my way through this book, I am thinking a lot about letters as tools and the many functions they serve. Mind blown.
April 25: Random idea for a layout.
April 26: Thinking about movement so I photographed some things in motion.
April 27: MoxieCon was awesome! Design overload.
April 28: Thinking about a redesign of the coupon/ads I get in the mail. Jewel’s is almost there, but the majority are cluttered, with little to no attention to hierarchy.
April 29: Today I read about g’s, so I decided to doodle a few.
April 30: Rearranging my work area.